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Zibra Brand Ambassador Program

We're thrilled that you are interested in our Zibra Brand Ambassador program! Zibra is a paintbrush brand that was created to make painting easier and more enjoyable. All of our brushes are designed for specific applications, constructed to last, and the smoothest painting brushes on the market!

Scroll down to learn more about what it means to be a Zibra ambassador.

Earn commission with custom links
Free Products!
Opportunity to create pre launch content + test brand new products
Chance to be featured on @Zibrapainting's Instagram account
30 Day Cookies

Getting Started is Easy


Fill out the application below, once approved create an account on our affiliate platform.


Create custom trackable links to the products you are sharing. Change the links as often as you like.


Earn 15% commission on all painting purchases and 10% on all open it purchases. Bi-weekly payout.


Lover of painting!
Actively pursuing painting projects - either around your home, furniture, or a Pro painter!
Active on social Media
At least one of the following: 7,000 followers on Facebook, 5,000 on Instagram or 1,000 view average on YouTube.
Engaged audience
An engaged audience that is eager to learn about new painting products

Frequently Asked


How Do I Become A Zibra affiliate?

Joining Zibra Ambassador Program is easy. Sign up through the form below. Applications normally are approved within 24-48 hours.

What do I get if I join?

 • A community of partners who share your same love and passion for painting and Zibra!
 • Sneak peeks at new products
 • Compensation for all sales made through your links
 • Content reposted and shared on @zibrapainting social channels

I can't log into my account! What do I do?

No problem! Click "Forgot Password?" to reset your password. If you're having any further issues, please email us at and we'll get your account reactivated!

How much commission will I earn?

We offer 15% commission on every paint related order that is placed through your unique link. 10% commission is paid on all Open It purchases. Commission will not be paid out on orders returned or refunded.

How Do I get Paid?

We pay bi-weekly on Monday's through Paypal.

Can I use content from your site?

You are welcome to repost any Zibra content, just be sure to give us credit in the post! Original content typically performs better - your followers want to hear about your personal experience with Zibra!

How long is a cookie valid for?

A cookie expires after 30 days. *Cookies, or browser cookies as they're sometimes called, are used to personalize website experiences and can help us ensure you are compensated appropriately.

Can I join your Ambassador Program if I am outside of the United States?

At this time, we are focusing on growing the Ambassador Program in the United States before including other countries. If you live in another country, send us an email and we’ll let you know once we expand outside of the U.S.!

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