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Ombre Pumpkins

Create a fun and stylish centerpiece display using only a few affordable supplies!

Ombre Pumpkin Centerpiece Display

Supplies you will need:

Step 1Start by laying out all of your pumpkins by how you want them to be displayed on your table. You'll then want to group to them into the colors you'll be using to create your Ombre effect, we used about 5-6 different colors that blended from one color to the next to create a very rich Fall look.

Step 2:  Using your Zibra Round Brush or Zibra Fan Brush paint your pumpkins. We recommend painting the bottom side of the pumpkin first and laying it on it's side until the paint is dry, then when dried you can continue painting the rest of the pumpkin. Generously coat each pumpkin. You may need 2 coats of paint depending on how thick you apply the paint. Let dry between coats.

Step 3 (optional): Paint the stems of the pumpkin a nice metallic gold to add a finishing touch and elevate your beautiful display!

We hope you enjoyed this step by step DIY to making your own Ombre Pumpkin Centerpiece Dispaly. If you make your own, tag us on Instagram @zibrapainting or use the hashtag #zibrainspo. We love to see what you create! 

Follow us on Instagram for more DIY inspo and pin the image below on Pinterest to refer back to. 

Happy Crafting! 

- Brie @ the Zibra Crew

Great for detail work
Round Paintbrush
Great for detail work
Fan Paintbrush

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