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Fall Leaf Clay Bowls

With Holiday season officially in full swing, we're making clay bowls using leaves as our inspiration! These make great name place settings for your Fall and Thanksgiving hosting!

DIY Leaf Bowls

Supplies you will need:

Step 1: Using your rolling pin, roll out your clay on top of the parchment paper. Place your leaves on top of the clay and make sure to gently press down so all of the leaf's details get imprinted into the clay.

Step 2: Using a toothpick or wood skewer, cut out your leaves.

Step 3: To mold the clay into a bowl-like shape, place your cut-out leaves inside a small size nesting bowl (as shown above) to form it's curved edges. Allow the clay to dry for 3 days.

Step 4: Once your clay is completely dry you're ready for the last and final step. Using your Zibra Round Brush paint (generously) each leaf. You may need 2 coats of paint depending on how thick you apply the paint. Let dry between coats.

Optional: We added Rub'nBuff over the paint to give our leaves a metallic finish.

Finally, print out name tags and place inside your finished project and use for place cards at your next gathering!

We hope you enjoyed this step by step DIY to making your own Fall Leaf Bowls. If you make your own, tag us on Instagram @zibrapainting or use the hashtag #zibrainspo. We love to see what you create! 

Follow us on Instagram for more DIY inspo and pin the image below on Pinterest to refer back to. 

Happy Crafting! 

- Brie @ the Zibra Crew

Great for detail work
Round Paintbrush
Great for detail work
Best of Zibra Paintbrush Kit-5 piece

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