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5 Bookshelves that Leave you Inspired

By Brie Hansen August 25, 2020 0 comment(s)
Zibra DIY Inspo > 5 Bookshelves that Leave you Inspired
5 Bookshelves that Leave you Inspired

Books 'n' Nooks

Is there anything cozier than a window bench with pillows and an assortment of books to read? Maybe one more thing - a drizzly rain outside the window!


What to do with that small space off the living room? Turn it into a book room, of course. Floor to ceiling shelves with the whimsy of a big library track ladder. Books, lighting, shelving, and a chair - what else does a bookworm need to wile away a Saturday afternoon?


A book lover's dream! A picture window, a bench seat with lots of pillows, and shelves of books! The window and bench are the stars of this space - the books? A bonus! I'm looking for Charlotte's Web now and putting in a request for a rainy afternoon!


A true nook in precision, geometrical rectangles! Fits perfectly in a minimalist environment. A few books. A few tchotchkes. The statement is made. "Less is more."

@hollyholdendesign and @circawdm

Who needs paint when you can have a wall of books and pottery? This traditional and comfy den is an invitation to the reader. Find a favorite classic and curl up on that cushy sofa - you may be tempted to take a little afternoon nap! and @narc_koehler_architects

When walking in the front door of this house - there is no question what this family likes to do! READ! What an extraordinarily clever usage of under stair storage. I would be tempted to sort the books into color. A cubby for blue, a cubby for orange and so on. Books shine here with very little distraction from bric-a-brac!
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