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How to Paint Cabinets

Updating your kitchen or bathroom doesn't have to break the bank. Sometimes, a fresh coat of paint on your cabinets can work wonders.

Here's a simple guide on how to paint cabinets with minimal stress:

Choosing the Right Paint

The first decision in your cabinet-painting journey is the type of paint. While latex paints have user-friendly qualities, oil-based topcoats, like those used by many professionals, offer a more durable finish. Whichever you choose, make sure the paint is of high quality. 

Brush or Spray Paint?

While a sprayed-on finish is ultra-smooth, it comes with challenges like equipment rental and meticulous masking. Our recommendation? Opt for high-quality brushes. Zibra's triangle and trim brushes are designed for efficiency, working well for large panels and intricate corners. 

To Strip or Not to Strip?

Stripping cabinets down to bare wood is ideal, especially when the existing finish is a clear coat. However, for practicality, a thorough cleaning and light sanding can often suffice. 

Steps for Painting Cabinets:

1. Prep the Room

Empty cabinets, clear counters, and protect surfaces with paper or plastic sheeting. Cover your floors quickly and easily with a Speed Drop. Set up a worktable for doors and drawers.

2. Remove Doors, Drawers, and Shelves

Mark and remove, labeling each piece. Clean and set aside hardware.

3. Clean All Surfaces

Degrease and wipe down surfaces. Rinse and let dry.

4. Prep the Boxes

Scrub surfaces with a liquid deglosser, fill holes, scuff with a sanding block, and vacuum.

5. Prime the Cabinet Boxes

Apply a quality primer. The Chiseled Wedge paintbrush ensures smooth application. 

6. Sand, Caulk, and Fill

Sand surfaces, caulk seams, and fill imperfections. Prime spot-filled areas.

7. Paint the Cabinet Boxes

Apply two coats of enamel paint with your paintbrushes. Sand lightly between coats for a perfect finish.

8. Prep, Prime, and Paint Doors, Drawers, and Shelves

Repeat the process on a table to reduce drips. Hang doors to dry for a professional finish.

9. Put Back All the Pieces

Reattach doors, drawers, and hardware. Stand back and admire your transformed space.

10. Clean your brushes

Don’t forget that you want your brushes to last you a long time, and the best way to ensure that is to use a brush comb and properly clean them so they last!

Follow these steps, and your kitchen or bathroom will feel like new. Share your cabinet transformations with us on social media, using @zibrapainting and inspire others on their painting journey! Want more tips and tricks? Sign up for our mailing list.

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