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Meet Yari!

By Brie Hansen September 21, 2021 12 comment(s)
Collaborations > Meet Yari!
Meet Yari!
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  • She does fabulous work!! I would love trying out these brushes. Loved listening to podcast.

    Valery Correll
  • Beautiful work! Such an inspiration.

  • Wow beautiful work Yari! I am so nervous to give some of my furniture new life, but your tips are great and it definitely gave me a confidence boost!

    Meredith Schneider
  • Beautiful work, thank you Yari for being an inspiration to all of us that are just getting into furniture makeovers. I was just peaking at the website as I am in need of some brushes, I hope I can win the draw!!

  • Awesome podcast and beautiful work, someday I hope to be on that level. I honestly didn’t understand the hype behind these Zibra brushes till I decided to buy a few. From the moment I used the 2” angled sash, I knew these brushes were high quality and felt great in my hands. Zibra brushes are designed for comfort and guaranteed perfection. Recently I started my own furniture business, I try and showcase their brushes all the time in the hopes people will make the switch like I did. You are buying more then a brush.

    Cole Murray

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