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Prepping Your Walls for Painting

You’ve just landed on a color for your room and you’re eager to get started. We get it. A fresh, new space is just moments away! But if you want the paint to adhere properly to the wall, look great, and last a long time, you’ll want to take some initial steps to prepare your walls before you begin applying that new color.

How to Prep Walls for Painting

Wall Repairs

Before anything, it is essential that you remove all loose paint from your walls. Invest in a heavy-duty 3-inch flat paint scraper to get all of that old, cracked and loose paint off. One way to ensure that your new paint doesn’t adhere to your walls is to paint over old, loose paint. 

You’ll also want to patch any holes or cracks that you see, as they will certainly affect how smooth the project ends up looking. Also, be sure to sand down any spackle once it’s dry.

Wash Your Walls

Yes, your walls do get dirty! Using some mild soap in warm water to gently clean your walls using a circular motion in order to remove any dirt, cobwebs, and dust that has accumulated. You can then rinse the soap off using a damp sponge. Be sure to thoroughly dry your walls before proceeding to the next step.


If you’re using the Zibra Cut In Paintbrush, you can likely skip this step, since this particular brush is designed to cut in next to trim, molding, doors, and windows. If you plan to use a different type of brush, you’ll want to use long pieces of painters tape to protect any edges you don’t want painted. Make sure the tape sticks firmly to the surfaces so that you get an even line.

Protect Your Floors

Paint drops are inevitable. It is important to be able to focus on the job of painting your walls without worrying about creating a mess on your floor. You can use a Zibra Speed Drop, which allows you to quickly cover your floor and kick it into place.

Prime Time

Did you know that primers help protect your top coat, as well as help you achieve the true color of the paint you’re using? And it obviously helps to cover up imperfections and your old paint color as well. If you’re painting your walls in a darker color, opt for a tinted primer. Using a Precision Paintbrush, paint a narrow strip of primer next to the trim and molding in your room before switching to a roller for the rest of the surface.


If you notice gaps next to your molding, you might want to fill them with acrylic caulk. Have a damp cloth on hand to clean up any mess. Verify how long the caulk needs to dry before beginning painting with your new color!


Once your caulk has dried, you are now ready to paint with that fabulous color you selected.

Clean Your Brushes

Last but not least, when you’re done with your project, be sure to properly clean your paint brushes so that they last!

And don’t forget to tag Zibra when you post about your newly-painted project on social media, using @zibrapainting, and join our mailing list to learn more tips and tricks.

Great for detail work
Precision Cut-In Paintbrush
Great for detail work
Speed Drop

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