I wanted the 1-inch angle brush but they don’t sell it separately. I thought I had all the other brushes in the set, so I didn’t want to spend a lot of money to get brushes I already had. Zibra had a Black Friday/holiday sale and offered the kit for $30. I decided it was worth it to get the brush I wanted and the extras for $30. The other brushes were not the same size and the angle brush is terrific. Now that I know what is in the kit and have it in my hands I wish I hadn’t waited. I’ve been working on a mural, but had to stop for cold weather. Now I can’t wait for Spring so I can use these Fantastic Brushes. I’d love to be sponsored by Zibra. I love these brushes. It’s the polyester bristles and the ergonomic handle that make it for me. I spent 30 minutes yesterday varnishing all the handles. I think I have every art-related set they make, and I plan on sticking with this brand,
Thank you for a great product Zibra!